SR-Seminar Survey Name Last Name Company Name Email Website 1. How would you rate the level of new information gained? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2. How would you rate the general level of discussion? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 3. How would you rate the quality of presentation materials? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 4. How would you rate the quality of the platform? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 5. How would you assess the 4 instructors? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 6. How would you assess the importance of the new information? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 7. How would you assess the relevance of the new information to your work? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good General Evaluation 1. How would you assess the sequence and flow of discussion topics? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2. How successful were the speakers to answer the questions asked by the participants? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good For 1st Instructor, Dr.A.Gooyabadi 1G. How would you assess the instructor’s knowledge of the subject matter? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2G. How would you assess presentation of materials? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 3G. How much was the speaker able to convey and explain information? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 4G. How would you assess the instructor’s utilization of different clarification methods? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good For 2nd Instructor, Dr.E.Westreich 1W. How would you assess the instructor’s knowledge of the subject matter? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2W. How would you assess presentation of materials? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 3W. How much was the speaker able to convey and explain information? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 4W. How would you assess the instructor’s utilization of different clarification methods? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good For 3rd Instructor, Dr.Mu Yin 1M. How would you assess the instructor’s knowledge of the subject matter? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2M. How would you assess presentation of materials? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 3M. How much was the speaker able to convey and explain information? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 4M. How would you assess the instructor’s utilization of different clarification methods? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good For 4th Instructor, Dr.S.Foster 1F. How would you assess the instructor’s knowledge of the subject matter? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2F. How would you assess presentation of materials? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 3F. How much was the speaker able to convey and explain information? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 4F. How would you assess the instructor’s utilization of different clarification methods? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 1. How would you evaluate the amount of information received about the seminar prior to its start? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 2. How satisfied were you with the date of the seminar? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 3. How satisfied were you with the time that the seminar started? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 4. How satisfied were you with the duration of the seminar? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 5. How satisfied were you with the date you were informed about the seminar? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 6. How satisfied were you with registration follow-up and reminders? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 7. How would you assess the easiness of registration? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 8. How would you assess the seminar’s platform? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 9. How would you assess the duration of break periods? Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 1. How much did the seminar manage to offer solutions to your current work-related problems? Not at all A little Somehow A lot 2. How important was the content presented in the area of business management? Not at all A little Somehow A lot 3. How likely are you willing to recommend similar seminars to your colleagues/friends? Not at all A little Somehow A lot Is there anything else you would like to share? Send